The National Traffic System is a coordinated set of amateur radio nets which move radiogram traffic efficiently around North America. These nets operate every day of the week mostly carrying token traffic to keep the system active. The NTS Talk site exists to focus efforts to promote use of the NTS.
Use NTS Talk to propose, discuss and promote ideas to put NTS to work1. Share what you are doing to generate interest or traffic. Tell us about your activities and how others can join in and contribute to your efforts. If we support and reinforce these efforts, together we can put NTS to work.
If you have suggestions for NTS Talk, please drop them in the suggestion box on the forum.
Recent Activity
Here is a list of traffic nets known to be active. Please add and keep up to date your net information.
This is an NTS training session given by Kate K6HTN. It covers, in three parts, a general overview of the National Traffic System, specifics about message format, how to voice the message when sending, and how to operate on a directed traffic net.
A trivia activity where trivia clues are distributed in radiogram format. Stations participate by sending trivia answers to the stations originating trivia traffic by way of the National Traffic System and by passing trivia traffic along to others.
NTS News and Announcements
NTS Discussion Topics
TRAFFIC: A New Mission for NTS?
Get Involved
NTS Talk is a Wiki, a system for collaborative development of web sites. Members are able to participate in the development and improvement of the site. Just about every page you see, members can change. If you see an error, big or small, you can fix it. If there is some improvement you can make, feel free to contribute. If there is a major change you envision or are unsure about some change you would like to make, use the discuss link at the bottom of each page to talk over your plans with other NTS Talk users working on the page. Become a member of NTS Talk and jump in. See "what can i do" for specifics on how you can contribute.
NTS Talk also has a forum which can be used to discuss the NTS and the various proposals. The forum operates similarly to other forum sites like and Most of the forum categories are open to postings from members and non-members alike. NTS Talk is a work in progress and discussion concerning the direction and development of NTS Talk is also encouraged.